These days I'm spending a lot of time trying to figure out what I should do with my life. While I don't have a lot of defining moments in my life from mentor or authority figures as to what I should do, I distinctly remember two critical events that could have, did, or will perhaps change my life. The first event was when I wanted to join the military. My parents were pretty open minded when it came to choosing a path for my life. They said if it was something I really wanted to do I should do that. They had only one exception for that. It was when I wanted to join the military. They both strongly persuaded me not to do it. Instead of joining the military I ended up where I live now in South Korea. The second event (which happened to come before my choice to come to Korea), was when I basically gave up on trying to perform all my scales and modes for my music teacher and got a very low grade. When my parents had a parent teacher conference with her she said she was so up...