Sudden Chaos, Sudden Peace

Having a brief conversation with a new friend of mine she asked me a lot of questions about my life and my future. In the midst of preparing to move next month I suddenly realized that I don't have much space amidst all the things I am currently trying to accomplish to think much more than a few weeks, or even a day into the future.

The prospects of my future seem so banal, and bleak at times. The emotional effect of pondering an uncertain future is scary, and unsettling. This is sometimes, and especially for me, at this time, unwise. What the Bible says about the future is that God is sovereign and we are to consider today enough trouble to figure out what we need to do. As the existentialist would point out it is always "now".  We only have now. As someone who thinks a lot it's easy to get lost in the soon, or the earlier so long I neglect now.

This train of thought has made me consider what I really ought to do with my life in an ironic way. In thinking about "now" and what it means to think about "now", I wonder if the art form best suited to putting one's focus on the "now" is music. Yesterday I began learning how to do some simple sequences on my iPhone with Garage band and found the experience extremely therapeutic. Music is only experienced "now" and creating it creates a stream of "now" experiences. Very interesting.


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