A Sudden Turn of Events

Today I learned that my apartment will be sold and my landlady wants me to move out at the end of the contract term. I feel somewhat sad to leave the apartment I have made my home for the past 3 years. I have a lot of potential choices as to where I can live, but at the moment I'm just overwhelmed with the thought of moving. Sad to think I might leave my neighbourhood, and yet somewhat excited to potentially move to a place that will accommodate my future plans and other things.

I will certainly miss the view and the convenience of where I live, but I could just move into another room in the same building. That would be interesting, although I have an opportunity reconsider other possibly better options. I really hope and pray to find a place I can welcome friends into and share meals with them at. That would be amazing.

One thing this sudden turn of events has caused me to think I need to be more active in planning for my future, and just active in doing things with my life in general. I tend to set into comfortable routines and then later regret that my routine is so boring. This forced move feels like a push towards rethinking my life and while a bit bitter-sweet I'm thankful to have to remember that the nature of my life in the here and now is temporary. I am just a traveler in a foreign land.

Also, today I learned olive oil can go bad. Eeeshh... Time to throw away some oil!


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