Is the Church Unintentionally Red-Pilling Me?

If I am a person easily tempted to be anxious and God says I should trust Him in all things, then God's word says that getting married will bring me more temptation to be anxious so why should I get into a situation that will tempt me to be more anxious? What is the advantage to getting married? Whether I struggle with sexual temptation as a single person, or as a married person what difference is it then to be married except more trouble? Being a single Christian is hard enough. Marriage for me feels like a net loss overall, spiritually, physical energy wise, financially. All those things could be used for the Lord, and I would be less anxious. What is the blessing of marriage in the Lord? What I hear on Sunday mornings from the pulpit about married life often sounds depressing, and difficult, expensive, and stifling. When I hear my pastors talk about marriage, they usually reference how it rem...