Value Systems and Justice
Perhaps one of the fundamental challenges of transforming a society toward justice is transforming its system of values from functional to ontological. I think South Korea suffers from a wealth, power, and status oriented value system, coupled with a sense of entitlement rather than responsibility that lets human life be so undervalued in some specific cases but not in others. Justice asks the question why is it this case and not the other case? In the functional view human beings become part of a cost benefit analysis, and are only valuable if (in the Korean case for example) they can make it through a competitive society to a university and then get a job in accordance with the degree earned. I've noticed sometimes I have bought into this view. Changing this view takes more than simple declaration, but a careful watchfulness of one's own thoughts. I hope people at my church do this. We as a church not only need to treat people with value but actually think about them with...